Simon Jovic

Vice President & Life Member

Simon has been involved with the Vytis Basketball Club since 1983, when he started as a player. He played domestic basketball with Vytis for 30 years until he retired from playing at 46. He has coached various junior teams at Vytis since 2010. He currently holds the position of Vice President and received club life membership in 2012. Simon’s daughter Amelia also plays for our Women’s team so he is also often seen behind the scoring bench.

Stan Rebis

Life Member

Stan joined the Vytis Sports Club committee in 1999. Prior to this he coached our Junior Girls for three years. Stan took over the role of Club Treasurer in 1999 and continues to serve the club in this role. He is involved in coaching our Women’s team and was awarded club life membership in 2013. You will also see Stan heavily involved in the Aussie Hoops program, he is passionate about building the skills of Geelong’s junior basketballers.

Alita Obeliunas

Alita has been a part of the Vytis community her whole life. Both her parents and grandparents were a big part of the community since 1965, playing basketball, attending functions and also members on the Vytis committee. Alita took her dad’s place on the committee in 2017 and is proudly the 3rd generation in her family to be a member on the Geelong Vytis committee. She played basketball for Vytis from the age of 8, but unfortunately had to retire at 25 due to injury.

Dana Lunn

Life Member

Dana joined the Vytis committee as a member in 2020 and follows in her Mum Lucy’s footsteps. Lucy has been a prior club president, vice president and secretary and is a life member as is her Dad who has cooked many a sports club BBQ in his time. Dana has been a club member all her life and has played basketball with the club since she was a junior. She still manages to drag her body onto the court in a Vytis women’s team. Dana’s eldest daughter started playing in 2022 and Dana coaches that team. She looks forward to seeing her other daughter put on the Vytis uniform too in the not too distant future. Dana joined the committee to do her best to ensure the club moves forward for generations to come. Dana was made a life member of the club in 2023.

Natalie Pocock


Natalie became a member of the Vytis committee for the first time in 2020, but began playing basketball over 30 years ago in Warrnambool. Since then she has played with the Waverley, Melbourne University, and Heriot-Watt University basketball clubs. Natalie has been part of the Vytis women’s team since 2007, only missing seasons to have three children. Her eldest son became a second generation Vytis player, being part of the 2019 Summer under 12s premiership side. Her two other boys now also play too and Nat also coaches two Vytis Knights teams!

David Reilly

David has been a lifelong member of the Vytis Sports club, beginning in 1990. He has played high level basketball during his career and is still playing today. In his junior years, he played for Vytis in many Lithuanian Sports Carnivals across Australia, winning multiple premierships. David was also a member of the Inaugural Vytis Team at the 2013 World Lithuanian Games, and was Captain / Coach for the Vytis Mens D2 team winning back-to-back premierships in 2016-2017.David’s daughter and son now also play for the club and David also coaches the Under 12 boys team.