Photography Consent Form

As part of club communications we would like to use photographs for publicity purposes and sharing achievements with the community to promote the club and its players. Sharing videos and photos of game play and players is an important part of sharing our club journey with the community to encourage support and further growth. The club seeks your permission to use photographs taken of club members for possible inclusion on the Vytis Knights website and on social media. On occasion images may be used in print media, media releases or articles. Photographs will be kept securely for use for the above-mentioned purposes only.

I hereby grant permission to Vytis Knights club representatives, to take and use photographs and/or digital images of me/my child for use in:

  1. Media releases, media articles – including newspapers, radio, television – printed publications and/or promotional materials

  2. Electronic publications and communications such as the club’s Facebook site, Instagram and website.

  3. I agree that my name and identity may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the image(s).

  4. I authorise the use of these images without compensation to me.

Note: if you have more than one child playing with our club, please refresh this page after submission and complete the form again for each other child.